Aerometrex has a range of subscription options for MetroMap 2D that you can view here. If you’re looking for something more customised, use the "enquire now" button against the Enterprise plan and fill out your requirements; we will work with you to build the right offering for your business.

Many of our MetroMap Subscription Plans offer unlimited data* usage and downloads so that you can focus on your work and not worry about going over your data limits. You can always view the amount of data used/remaining in your plan via the left panel in the MetroMap Web App. Fair Use Policy applies.

Imagery captured via satellite, aircraft and drone will vary in terms of resolution, accuracy, time, cost and various other aspects. What you choose would depend on your application and use-case. Speak to our experts to discuss in more detail and find the right solution for you.

Weather can be tricky when capturing aerial imagery. That’s where the experience of our flight planning team and aircrew comes handy. With their years of experience, we can schedule captures and flight paths to minimise any issues due to clouds, rain, bushfires, etc.

Select MetroMap aerial imagery includes 4-band (RGB + near infrared band) captures. Near infrared imagery is very useful in vegetative health analysis as well as certain water-body detections such as swimming pools.

Imagery can vary substantially based on accuracy, quality, and recency across service providers. At Aerometrex, we pride ourselves on the precision & quality of MetroMap imagery as well as our customer service. We know that one size does not fit all and work with our customers to offer them a solution that is optimal for their business and at a cost that works within their budget.

We are always aiming to increase the extent of our coverage. If there’s an area that you need to be captured but is not currently on MetroMap, speak to our team and we can check if it is something planned soon.

Yes. We have a range of support systems to aid your experience with the MetroMap tool. Listed below are a few of them:

  • The MetroMap Knowledge Hub can be accessed here
  • Video Tutorials on the Knowledge Hub here
  • Custom Webinars for our Team & Enterprise Plan customers
  • In case you can’t find what you were looking for, you can always raise a support ticket here

In case you don’t have your account manager’s details, you can write to us via the contact us page here and we can provide you the details.

Yes. We do have a free trial option that you may request for. Sign up for a Free Trial here.

The best way to stay up to date on new captures is by using the "Watchpoint" tool within the MetroMap Web App. You can also stay updated by subscribing to our newsletter. We provide monthly capture updates and lots of other great information about MetroMap. You can subscribe to our newsletter here.

Yes. MetroMap 2D imagery can be accessed via an API provided by us. This feature is however available in only certain subscription plans. If this is something that your business requires and is not currently included in your plan, speak to your account manager and we’ll let you know how you can upgrade.

As listed in our Terms & Conditions, you must not use on our products any Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Learning: (i) models (including the model form and model parameters, outputs of models); (ii) software that processes or transforms input data for training a model or getting a prediction from a machine learning model into a format suitable for training or making such prediction; or (iii) software used to train an AI model or compute outputs of a machine learning model for a given set of input data.

In case you are interested to discuss a specific use case, please contact our team via the contact form on our website, or by emailing us at

The horizontal accuracy of MetroMap ortho photography is top of the range. The seamless ortho-mosaic product has been generated using a rigorous photogrammetric workflow to provide high geometric accuracy. Advanced colour balancing techniques and software ensure a radiometric seamless product. The data is free of any geometric and radiometric artefacts and has an absolute horizontal accuracy of 3 pixels RMSE. This enables repeat measurement over time, change detection and confidence in any type of point, line, or area measurement on the ground as compared to map coordinate systems and survey ground control.

MetroMap comes from the house of Aerometrex, which owns a range of camera systems. These cameras are custom designed to offer greater efficiency & quality, promising multi-fold benefits to MetroMap subscribers in the form of increased resolution, unmatched colour quality, larger area coverages, and more frequent captures. Aerial captures are completed using our fleet of 4 fixed-wing aircraft as well as 3rd party fleet, and data processing is done by our highly experienced team in-house.

While MetroMap captures are more frequent over capital cities, we do have large image-capture data sets over regional areas. You can view our Australia-wide planned 2D coverage plan here. If your area of interest is not available on MetroMap, contact us and we can discuss your requirement in more detail.

Seamless imagery has the visual appearance of a single photo, even though it may be comprised of thousands of individual ortho-rectified frames. Seamlessness is achieved by correct acquisition procedure with respect to time of day, sun angle, absence of cloud and cloud shadow, as well as correct processing procedure, including colour balance, geometric accuracy, seamlining and orthomosaicing. Quality Control checking and correction is needed to ensure a seamless result. While 90% of the work is automated, no fully automatic method can produce a seamless result.

We are an aerial imagery capture business that captures imagery from overhead between 5cm and 20cm resolution meaning that at the highest level of zoom, each pixel on your screen will measure between 5x5cm to 20x20cm. As all our imagery is taken from above resulting in resolutions that are less than images taken at ground level, our imagery is not clear enough to identify individuals.

Our obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) require us to advise all stakeholders on how we collect, use, store, and/or disclose “personal information” which is defined as information that can identify a particular individual. We comply with this obligation through our privacy policy found here. However, as our imagery cannot identify an individual due to the resolution not being clear enough, we are not required to blur out any of our imagery for the purpose of complying with privacy law obligations.

Whilst we acknowledge that some companies blur images at a street level, this is because their images are clear enough that the individual can be identified. As part of our MetroMap 2D aerial imagery program, we do not capture any street-level imagery and our captured imagery is not clear enough to identify an individual; for this reason, we do not and are not required to blur out our imagery. Street-level imagery is available within the MapViewer, however, this is supplied by Google® and provided as-is; it is not captured or processed by Aerometrex.

Geoscape by PSMA Australia is a collection of authoritative data and web services that describe Australia’s complex cities, regional centres and rural communities as they change. The data includes building footprints for all of Australia and detailed attributes, such as roof heights, complexity and materials, and the presence of solar panels and swimming pools, for over 11 million buildings in urban areas. Geoscape buildings data is linked with other datasets including the Geocoded National Address File (G-NAF), and cadastral and administrative boundaries – this enables users to layer address or cadastral data relating to a building. MetroMap offers a powerful combination of imagery and structured Geoscape data that gives users high levels of detail. To know more about Geoscape, visit their website at: